Visa-Free Travel Between Ghana and the Bahamas

A visa waiver agreement has been signed by Ghana's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration and the Bahamas. This agreement aims to solve the problems and difficulties that travelers may encounter due to the visa requirements. On February 20, 2024, the Ghana Immigration Service released a circular with this information.

The agreement applies to holders of diplomatic, service, and ordinary passports. The circular was distributed to inform aviation authorities, airline companies, and other concerned parties about the signed agreement. Ghana has also established similar visa waiver agreements with other countries, such as South Africa, Qatar, Jamaica, Suriname, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Guyana, Venezuela, and Malta. Ghana and the Bahamas have a good relationship, as Ghana provides professionals, such as nurses, to the Bahamas to fill their workforce gaps.

In exchange, the University of Ghana Medical School and the University of West Indies have agreed on an exchange program, which enables Ghanaian medical students to do part of their studies in Barbados. However, Ghana has been warned about the high number of nurses who leave every year to work in the UK and the US, as this could harm the country's healthcare system in the long run. The International Council of Nurses has raised concerns about the dangers that Ghanaian patients face due to the departure of nurses and the bad working conditions in the healthcare sector in Ghana.

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