Patapaa Opens Up About Divorce with Liha Miller: Emotional Impact and Moving Forward

Ghanaian music sensation Patapaa recently shared in an exclusive interview with a prominent media house in Accra, Ghana, that he and his German wife, Liha Miller, are in the process of divorcing. He spoke about the emotional impact of Liha's social media activities and confirmed that they have filed divorce papers, awaiting court approval.
Patapaa mentioned that he continues to wear his wedding ring as a mark of respect for their marriage, clarifying that this is because the divorce process is still ongoing.
In terms of his feelings, Patapaa acknowledged that he no longer has romantic feelings for Liha and that the love he once felt has faded away. He expressed dissatisfaction with Liha conducting interviews with Ghanaian media outlets about their relationship.

Meanwhile, Liha has been seen online with her new boyfriend, which has added to the public discussion surrounding their separation.

Story: Amegashie Walter Edem (Khlasic)

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