Ho FM Du Agbe Tour: A Vibrant Journey Through Ghana and Togo's Cultural Delights

The highly anticipated Du Agbe Tour, also known as the Enjoyment Tour, organized by Ho FM, a prominent media house in Ghana's Volta region, finally took place on June 15, 2024. The trip drew a large crowd of both young and old residents eager to experience the adventure. Gathering as early as 5:00 AM at Ho FM's forecourt, participants were filled with excitement, some arriving even earlier due to the tour's international nature.
Soon, all four buses were lively with people enjoying 'Jama' to liven up the journey. Hours of singing and dancing continued until they reached the Aflao border, where participants exchanged Ghanaian Cedis for CFA Francs before proceeding into Togo. The journey offered a refreshing change of scenery with seaside views and beaches.
The first stop in Togo was Lome's Asigame Market, where everyone explored and purchased various goods. The market's bustling atmosphere and local foods provided a unique cultural experience, warmly received by traders who were delighted to host Ghanaian visitors.
From the market, a short walk led them to Lorenzo Beach, where they relaxed by the sea, enjoying refreshments and music spun by DJ BILLSHEET. The highlight awaited at Aneho, where participants marveled at the estuary, witnessing the meeting of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This experience, close to the Benin border, even caused a time change, with some areas an hour ahead of GMT.
As the sun set, the buses returned to Lorenzo Beach, where the legendary Agboti Yawo performed live, captivating both young and old with his music. The event concluded with everyone returning to Ghana, departing happily after a memorable day. Enjoy a summary of the journey on YouTube 

Story:  Amegashie Walter Edem (Khlasic)

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